Special Ideas for Restyling Your Door

Automatic doors solutions are suitable for a variety of types of buildings, from office buildings to residential buildings, to shops, to transit-intensive environments. They are compact, durable and energy efficient, and can be customised and equipped with a large number of accessories for safety and protection.
The automatic door is, moreover, an ideal tool to solve the problems inherent in architectural fittings.
1. Create cupboard space around the door frame
A handy way to brighten up the doorpost is by building cupboard space around it. This does not necessarily have to be a large cupboard but can easily be created with the help of shelves. Think for example of a bookshelf for the doorpost in the living room or the storage of pots and pans for mail in the kitchen. In this way, you playfully deal with the available space.
2. Colored tape to accentuate edges
Those who find a completely new color for the door too radical can get started with colored tape. The advantage of tape is that it is easy to remove and that all styles and combinations are possible. Whether you choose a green square or a globe in all colors of the rainbow, you can do it all with tape.
3. Door fittings
The last tip we want to give to give the door a new appearance: change the door fittings. A simple change of door handle can make the difference between a classic or a modern door.
All the advantages of a tailor-made De Graaf door;
This way you can always enjoy a beautiful, unique and tailor-made door.
• 35 years of craftsmanship
• Tailor-made,
• Suitable for every setting,
• Both interior doors and exterior doors
4. Make the door a lasting memory
What is more fun than drawing the child’s bedroom door together with your child? Every year a new dash as a reminder of how fast they grow. Do not have children? No problem, because there are plenty of options left to make your door a feast of recognition. How about sticking around the doorpost holiday photos or even with chalkboard paint so that you can write all the memories.


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